
Posts Tagged ‘Tour de France’

What is it that makes people want to tear down our heroes, our survivors, our best and brightest, our most successful in their fields?  This is just pure ugliness and nothing we should be participating in or condoning. 

This vendetta against Lance Armstrong makes me so angry.  The man took over 500 drug tests in his career and he was always clean.  There is no proof against him, only allegations of competitors.  Now, because he is no longer fighting this years-long attack against him, everyone says “Aha, proof he did it.”  No it isn’t.  I think I know why he’s giving up.  He’s a cancer survivor.  So am I.  The worst possible thing for your immune system is stress.  You need to avoid it at all costs.  You need to physically remove yourself from stressful situations if you want to keep your immune system healthy.  Having already fought cancer, he knows it could return any day.  So, is it more important to continually be responding to these horrific attacks or be done with it and live? I’m upset, but I can understand why he has to move away from this.  He will always be an inspiration, and I hope someday his name will be finally cleared…but Lance Armstrong has other important things to do right now – for himself and cancer patients he continues his advocacy for.

Ride on Lance…

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